The Celtic League have written to the United Kingdom Inspector of Nuclear Installations asking a series of questions about the possible deterioration of the reactor cores in operational nuclear power stations(see below):
"Dr. Mike Weighman, Chief Inspector of Nuclear Installations Health and Safety Executive Nuclear Safety Directorate Rose Court 2 Southwark Bridge London SE1 9HS
Dear Dr. Weighman,
I refer to media reports about problems with cracks in some of the graphite bricks which line the reactor core at nuclear power plants.
a)Can we ask when this phenomena was first identified and if at the time a report about these problems was made public?
b)In addition how many nuclear plants are currently experiencing this problem and what are the safety implications for their continued operation?
c)Could you say when each nuclear power station was originally commissioned and what the original planned operating life for each of plants was?
d) In relation to a et b above can you confirm if cracking of graphite bricks in the reactor core has been identified at either Heysham or Wylfa power stations and if so is any report by HSE/NII available publicly?
e) Can you explain why the quarterly bulletins issued by HSE do not record unplanned shutdowns (reactor trips) at UK nuclear plants?
Yours faithfully,
J B Moffatt Director of Information pp.Celtic League"
The dangers posed by the nuclear energy programmes being pursued by both France and the United Kingdom featured prominently at the Leagues annual meeting in August.
J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League