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High-speed train Le Mans-Rennes : Mr Le Drian, president of the administrative regional Council of Brittany wants to get the Bretons into debt for several generations
The Regional Council of administrative Brittany is due to get the Bretons into debt for several generations, so as to finance its project of high-speed railway between Le Mans and Rennes
Par Gérard Olliéric pour Parti breton le 20/11/08 7:48

The Regional Council of administrative Brittany is due to get the Bretons into debt for several generations, so as to finance its project of high-speed railway between Le Mans (more precisely Connéré) and Rennes, as precised the advice of the Breton Economic and Social Council on October 13th 2008.

A financing that is disconnected from the economic reality

Let us remind that a financing must be linked with the real depreciation duration, so that in the end the investment can be replaced. In railway matters, the average depreciation duration is around 25 years and depends on the kind of equipment.

This financing will be detrimental and unfair

The choice to get the Bretons into debt for several generations will handicap Brittany on long term. The Breton people will have to keep on paying investments that will have become obsolete, whereas they should be investing into new ones. For the Breton Party, it is dangerous to let the future generations pay our expenses.

Marketing must not replace democracy

The marketing budget of the high-speed railway will be considerable, at the expenses of the Breton people. The Regional Council of administrative Brittany has a political behaviour that consists in taking such an important decision (note that the current project is the exact opposite of the initial one) without consulting the Breton people, and in getting them to swallow the pill thanks to a huge marketing budget.

It is a hazardous project, be it on the strategic, technical or financial point of view, which will reduce Brittany's freedom of action, whereas it is necessary to preserve it to struggle against the crisis; besides, it is not proved whether it is in the interest of Brittany.

For the Breton Party, these commitments have to be set democratically to the Breton people.

for the Breton Party, the president, Gérard Olliéric

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