One of the greatest assets in the marine environment around the Celtic countries are the cetaceans that thrive in these waters. They provide a vital component of the marine environment and are increasingly an important factor in the development of eco-tourism.
The Manx branch of the Celtic League expressed its concern about threats posed to these unique creatures in their marine habitat by both civil and military activity when the League held its AGM in Dublin last weekend.
After discussion it was resolved that:
"This AGM
a) Calls upon the United Nations Division for Ocean Affairs to institute research work to identify and mitigate the damage caused to Marine Mammals by noise and sonar pollution associated with military exercises at sea.
b) Calls upon the governments of the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Portugal and Ireland to acknowledge their obligations under Article 65 - Marine Mammals - United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and restrict both commercial and military activity which may be contrary to the spirit of the Convention."
J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League