Respected Cornish historian and nationalist, John Angarrack, has produced a different perspective on the House of Windsors claim to the Duchy of Cornwall by creating what, at first glance, seems like a mirror site of the official Duchy of Cornwall web pages.
It can be found at:
Angarrack is best known for a series of political works on modern Cornwall which challenge accepted political history and thinking. These include his latest 'Scat t'Larrups?: Resist and Survive' which complement two earlier works, 'Breaking the Chains' and 'Our Future is History'.
'Breaking the Chains' is currently out of print but the other two books can be ordered direct from John Angarrack at:
There is also comment on the new website and Angarrack's work on the 'NOWPUBLIC' Newsgroup at:
J B Moffatt Director of Information Celtic League