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Red Dragons-to-be at Trignac: the Trignac locals were there to welcome the Welsh players
On Tuesday 4th, at 2.15 pm sharp the plane carrying the Welsh national rugby team landed at Gron Airport (Montoir-de-Bretagne). The 45 members of the Welsh delegation received a warm welcome from the school kids of a Saint-Nazaire/Sant Nazer school who had lined up to honour the \\\"red dragons\\\", waving
Par Jacques-Yves Le Touze pour ABP le 7/09/07 9:31

On Tuesday 4th, at 2.15 pm sharp the plane carrying the Welsh national rugby team landed at Gron Airport (Montoir-de-Bretagne). The 45 members of the Welsh delegation received a warm welcome from the school kids of a Saint-Nazaire/Sant Nazer school who had lined up to honour the "red dragons", waving Welsh flags. About 40 people had come to salute the Welsh and Breton colours.

The Trignac inhabitants had a special reason for welcoming the Welsh rugbymen: the close links which, for decades, bound the working population of Trignac and Wales. From 1879 to 1932, Welsh coal kept the Trignac ironworks going, which generated an important maritime traffic between Cardiff and Saint-Nazaire/Sant Nazer. In order to bring back to life that shared past, the city of Trignac is preparing with the help of a number of local associations and of CREDIB an exhibition which will be open on September 26th, a day when Welsh coal and Brière steel will make up the threads of a beautiful story of solidarity.

Rugby fans, supporters of the Welsh team are invited to participate in the rugby festival day on Wednesday, September 26th in Trignac. The junior team from Rhondda Valley, Champion of Wales will be there as well as a junior rugby team from Limerick in Ireland. Other features: an exhibition, a Peninsula Bagad concert, sea shanties, a Celtic book show, Breton games, buckwheat and flour pancakes, beer from the Brière.

Contact: Jean-Paul Martel public relation officer for the city of Trignac. 06 72 49 84 49

Voir aussi sur le même sujet : Pays de Galles,réunification,Rugby
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