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J-29! Partez aujourd\\\'hui du côté du Maryland avec Clutch (formé à Germantown en 1990). Très attendu puisque plébiscité sur internet, ce groupe aux influences Stoner (mais pas seulement) qui
Par Eric An Eost pour Journaliste indépendant le 24/05/13 10:25

J-29! Partez aujourd'hui du côté du Maryland avec Clutch (formé à Germantown en 1990). Très attendu puisque plébiscité sur internet, ce groupe aux influences Stoner (mais pas seulement) qui vient de sortir son nouvel album en mars (le 10ème), se produira le dimanche 23 juin, au lieu dit.. ahaha "THE VALLEY", vous savez, en haut du site, à côté des marchands de bonbons et de l'arbre aux sorcières. Trop bien Clutch ... Ci-dessous les paroles de Earth rocker, notre video.

1. Earth Rocker

What's this about limits?

Sorry, I don't know none.

What's this about some DB limit?

Sorry, I can't hear none.

You can take a little cruise down the river of booze,

Act all poor and defeated.

Shout to the mountain some boo-hoo blues,

But I'll stand here and repeat it:

I'm an earth rocker!

Everybody hear me now.

I'm an earth rocker!

Everybody get the message?

If you're gonna do it,

Do it live on stage, or don't do it at all.

If you're gonna do it,

You better take it to the stage, or don't do it at all.

I will suffer no evil.

My guitar will guide me through.

I will suffer no evil,

And this time, I want to hear it from you.

I'm an earth rocker!

Everybody hear me now.

I'm an earth rocker!

Everybody get the message?

Break it down,

To brass tacks.

Break it down,

To just the facts.

I don't need your sticky laminate,

I don't need your VIP.

I don't need your validation,

'Cause I wear mine on my sleeve.

So don't look to me for answers,

'Cause I don't got-a-one.

I just came to have a good time.

And I'm gonna have one.

Yes, I've lost many battles,

And even more days.

But if I had to do it over,

I'd do it just the same.

'Cause I'm an earth rocker!

Everybody hear me now.

I'm an earth rocker!

Everybody get the message?

I'm an earth rocker!


I'm an earth rocker!

Everybody get the message?

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