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Gaelic football – The All Ireland Final to be broadcasted at the Galway Inn in Lorient
For the happy members of our little community, the meeting point on sept 20th, is the Galway Inn in Lorient: They'll show the final of the Irish championship, this year
Par Ronan Kerléo pour Ligue Bretonne de Football Gaélique le 16/09/09 17:05

For the happy members of our little community, the meeting point on sept 20th, is the Galway Inn in Lorient: They'll show the final of the Irish championship, this year a confrontation between Cork and Kerry.

The importance over there of the All-Ireland Final, the climax of the sporting season, is something we can barely figure out here. And yet, as usual, Croke Park stadium will be full to the rafters despite its 82,000 seats, and every Irish in the country and overseas will be holding their breath till the final whistle. Kerry yielded their title to Tyrone last year and they have the firm intention to win it back this year, against an opponent they know really well, the neighbouring county of Cork they had already defeated in the final two years ago.

At the Galway Inn, one of the most emblematic pub in Britanny, the afternoon will start with the general meeting of the French gaelic football federation, followed by the game at 4:3Opm. All those interested in this fascinating sport are more than welcome: They will have the opportunity to meet the people concerned with the founding of a club in Lorient.

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