Adsav, the Breton People's Party, conveys its warmest congratulations to the Lega Nord (Padania), SVP (South Tirol) and MPA-alleanza per il Sud (Sicily) on their outstanding results at the Italian 2008 general elections. The lega Nord, in particular, has more than doubled its share of the votes, which puts this party in a strong position to influence the new coalition on critical issues such as fiscal and constitutional reforms. With 44% of the votes, the unchallenged SVP has demonstrated its ability to bring long-lasting stability to its constituents and to fulfil their expectations. With over 34% of the votes in some localities, the MPA-alleanza per il Sud has proved that a newly form party is not necessarily doomed to failure when it fights for the interests of its people, which the Breton People's Party success at the March 2008 elections proved to be true for Brittany as well.
Kuzul Meur Adsav, Strollad Pobl Vreizh
National Council, Adsav, the Breton People's Party